
How to Create Memes on iFunny App- Become a Meme Maker!

Everybody loves memes. They’re just so entertaining to look at, especially when the meme is relatable! So why not make your own? Make other people laugh at your memes with iFunny- hot memes and videos app!



Developed by : iFunny Inc.

Create Memes!

It’s time for you to put your meme-making skills to use!

1. Tap the Featured button.

2. Tap add meme.

3. Select meme.

4. Tap Meme pics.

5. Select a meme you want to use.

6. Tap on the meme to add captions!

7. You have made your meme!

Post Memes!

Everyone loves a good laugh. Post your memes to make others smile!

1. Tapnext.

2. Add tags so that people can find your meme!

3. Hit Save”.

4. Tap Done”.

5. You have published your meme!

Explore iFunny!

See what else is funny on the app!


The best memes are displayed on the Featured page every eight hours. Swipe and laugh at the silliest of memes!


Check out the newest content posted by your fellow meme-makers! From funny GIFs to cool comics, there’s no limit to what our imagination can do!


Subscribe to your favorite meme-makers for more hilarious content. You can even chat and ask for some meme-making tips!


Delve into the meme world by exploring different meme categories. There’s no limits to what ridiculousness you can find!

Become a meme maker!

There’s no limit to your humor when it comes to making memes on iFunny- hot memes and videos app! Be witty with your captions as you create memes that would make people laugh and say “big mood”. There’s nothing stopping you from making funny memes! Download iFunny – hot memes and videos app and create lots of laughs for everyone.