
How to Use Instagram Superzoom – Zoom right in!

Instagram just doesn’t run out of cool features. As the trends change every now and then, the popular SNS creates new ways of expressing yourself. Superzoom is one of the app’s entertaining features. Users have been using it to post funnier and more expressive Instagram Stories!

Aside from the automatic zooming in effect, the feature also has different filters and sound effects that match the themes. Share a story in a more creative way with Instagram Superzoom!

Use Instagram Superzoom

Ready to make your Instagram followers laugh through your Superzoom videos? Record moments and give them more soul by using the perfect themes! Bid boring IG Stories goodbye…

1. Tap the Camera button.

2. Swipe left and look for “Superzoom”.

3. Swipe left and select a theme!

4. Ready to zoom in? Press the Record button!

5. You have recorded a Superzoom video! Press the “Your Story” button.

6. You have posted a Superzoom Instagram Story!

Superzoom Themes

Instagram Superzoom has 10 themes. Each of them has unique filters, sound effects… and “feels”! Try them all out and see which one is perfect for every moment.


Aiming to post a Story that can make your followers say, “This is so lit!”? The Superzoom theme will turn up the heat of your Story, made even hotter with a metal-rock background music!


Wanna be sweet and lovey-dovey all over your IG Story? Record a mushy and romantic superzoom video with this theme!

TV Show

Make your friend a star! The TV Show superzoom theme zooms into your subject as though it’s the star of the night. And to complete the effect, there will literally be stars!


You can turn a simple situation into a very dramatic one! This theme’s sound effects synchronize with the zoom effect so well that the videos look like drama is really everywhere. Want some suspense and surprise? This theme is perfect!


Do you often catch your friend just staring into space? The next time you do, use this theme to share the moment with your Instagram followers! With mellow filter and background music—and falling leaves—you can surely say, “Oh, bummer!”


Found something surprising on your way home? Surprise Instagram too with a superzoom video! Zoom in to an expected thing or event and give it a comic book filter. Complete the surprise with an intense and shocking sound effect!


This superzoom theme dances with the beat! Get your followers to dance along with you and keep the party alive… even just through your cool Superzoom Instagram Story. Continuous zoom-in effect and a rad background music? Give your followers some club vibes!


Are you a fan of jokes and anything comical? The Bounce theme gives off the funny vibe in your video! Show how things can be funny with a Bounce Superzoom video.


Ever wondered how it feels like to be a celebrity swarmed by paparazzi? Well, Instagram already did the job for you. Follow people with this video as if they’re your biggest idols!


It can’t be helped. There are really just some things in life that can make you say, “Nope!” If it’s one of those days, share your “Nope” moments.

Zoom right in!

Who would’ve thought that zooming in could be so enjoyable? You used to just need the tool when you’re too far from the subject! But now, everything looks extra dramatic and funnier. Thanks to the sound effects that define the moments too! Instagram Superzoom is definitely a game changer. Hype your Instagram Stories with relatable Superzoom videos!