A picture is worth a thousand words. Twitter limits tweets to only 280 characters, so most users post images to express themselves more. Sharing pictures also gives your post greater visual impact!


Start sharing photos and expressing yourself through these steps:

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Upload your photo!

1. Tap to open Twitter.

2. In the Home page, tap  to start writing a tweet.

3. Tap  to upload an image.

4. Twitter will then ask permission to access your photos. Select “OK”.

5. Pick the image you want to upload from your gallery. The selected pictures will have a green check mark. Once you are done choosing, tap “Add”.


  • You can also tap to  directly take a photo with your camera.


Edit and add stickers!

1. You will have the option to edit your photo or add stickers. Just tap  or .

2. By tapping , you will be redirected to the Stickers page. Pick the stickers that you want to add to your photo. Don’t be afraid to express yourself!

3. After choosing your sticker, hold and drag it to where you want it to be placed. You can tap   again to add more stickers.

4. If you tap  or  , you will be redirected to the Edit Image page. Choose from different filters and enhance your photo as you prefer!

5. You can also tap to automatically enhance your photo.

6. To adjust or crop your picture, tap . You can select between free-form cropping, landscape, square, or rotating the image.

7. Edit your photo to your heart’s content, then tap “Save”.

Tweet your photo!

  • Type down your tweet!

  • You can also tag friends! Just tap “Who’s in this photo?”

Select the people you want to tag, then hit “Done”.

  • Share your location by tapping “Add location”.

Select your location, then press “Done”.

  • When you’re happy with your post, tap “Tweet”.


Congratulations, you have now shared your image! You can now view it in the Home page.


It will also appear on your profile.

Express yourself!

Twitter lets your thoughts be heard across the world. By posting images, you will not only be heard, but also be seen! Share your photos and let your followers see the bigger picture!